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Adding a CSS Reset

This project setup uses PostCSS Normalize for adding a CSS Reset.

To start using it, add @import-normalize; anywhere in your CSS file(s). You only need to include it once and duplicate imports are automatically removed. Since you only need to include it once, a good place to add it is index.css or App.css.


@import-normalize; /* bring in normalize.css styles */

/* rest of app styles */

Tip: If you see an "Unknown at rule @import-normalize css(unknownAtRules)" warning in VSCode, change the css.lint.unknownAtRules setting to ignore.

You can control which parts of normalize.css to use via your project's browserslist.

Results when browserslist is last 3 versions:

* Add the correct display in IE 9-.

video {
display: inline-block;

* Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.

img {
border-style: none;

Results when browserslist is last 2 versions:

* Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.

img {
border-style: none;

Browser support

Browser support is dictated by what normalize.css supports. As of this writing, it includes:

  • Chrome (last 3)
  • Edge (last 3)
  • Firefox (last 3)
  • Firefox ESR
  • Opera (last 3)
  • Safari (last 3)
  • iOS Safari (last 2)
  • Internet Explorer 9+