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You will be working on this project with our Gitpod starter code.

We are still developing the interactive instructional part of the Python curriculum. For now, here are some videos on the YouTube channel that will teach you everything you need to know to complete this project:


Create a port scanner using Python.

In the file, create a function called get_open_ports that takes a target argument and a port_range argument. target can be a URL or IP address. port_range is a list of two numbers indicating the first and last numbers of the range of ports to check.

Here are examples of how the function may be called:

get_open_ports("", [440, 445])
get_open_ports("", [79, 82])

The function should return a list of open ports in the given range.

The get_open_ports function should also take an optional third argument of True to indicate "Verbose" mode. If this is set to true, the function should return a descriptive string instead of a list of ports.

Here is the format of the string that should be returned in verbose mode (text inside {} indicates the information that should appear):

Open ports for {URL} ({IP address})
{port} {service name}
{port} {service name}

You can use the dictionary in to get the correct service name for each port.

For example, if the function is called like this:

port_scanner.get_open_ports("", [20, 80], True)

It should return the following:

Open ports for (
22 ssh
80 http

Make sure to include proper spacing and new line characters.

If the URL passed into the get_open_ports function is invalid, the function should return the string: "Error: Invalid hostname".

If the IP address passed into the get_open_ports function is invalid, the function should return the string: "Error: Invalid IP address".


Write your code in For development, you can use to test your code.


The unit tests for this project are in We imported the tests from to for your convenience.


Copy your project's URL and submit it to freeCodeCamp.


It should pass all Python tests.


  # Python challenges don't need solutions,
# because they would need to be tested against a full working project.
# Please check our contributing guidelines to learn more.