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Sometimes you need to iterate through all the keys within an object. You can use a loop to do this. The loop looks like:

const refrigerator = {
'milk': 1,
'eggs': 12,

for (const food in refrigerator) {
console.log(food, refrigerator[food]);

This code logs milk 1 and eggs 12, with each key-value pair on its own line.

We defined the variable food in the loop head and this variable was set to each of the object's keys on each iteration, resulting in each food's name being printed to the console.

NOTE: Objects do not maintain an ordering to stored keys like arrays do; thus a key's position on an object, or the relative order in which it appears, is irrelevant when referencing or accessing that key.


We've defined a function countOnline which accepts one argument, allUsers. Use a statement inside this function to loop through the allUsers object and return the number of users whose online property is set to true. An example of an object which could be passed to countOnline is shown below. Each user will have an online property set to either true or false.

Alan: {
online: false
Jeff: {
online: true
Sarah: {
online: false


The function countOnline should use a for in statement to iterate through the object keys of the object passed to it.


The function countOnline should return 1 when the object { Alan: { online: false }, Jeff: { online: true }, Sarah: { online: false } } is passed to it

assert(countOnline(usersObj1) === 1);

The function countOnline should return 2 when the object { Alan: { online: true }, Jeff: { online: false }, Sarah: { online: true } } is passed to it

assert(countOnline(usersObj2) === 2);

The function countOnline should return 0 when the object { Alan: { online: false }, Jeff: { online: false }, Sarah: { online: false } } is passed to it

assert(countOnline(usersObj3) === 0);



const usersObj1 = {
Alan: {
online: false
Jeff: {
online: true
Sarah: {
online: false

const usersObj2 = {
Alan: {
online: true
Jeff: {
online: false
Sarah: {
online: true

const usersObj3 = {
Alan: {
online: false
Jeff: {
online: false
Sarah: {
online: false


const users = {
Alan: {
online: false
Jeff: {
online: true
Sarah: {
online: false

function countOnline(allUsers) {
// Only change code below this line

// Only change code above this line



function countOnline(allUsers) {
let numOnline = 0;
for(const user in allUsers){
if(allUsers[user].online) {
return numOnline;