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In the index.pug file supplied, there is a login form. It is hidden because of the inline JavaScript if showLogin with the form indented after it.

In the res.render for that page, add a new variable to the object, showLogin: true. When you refresh your page, you should then see the form! This form is set up to POST on /login. So, this is where you should set up to accept the POST request and authenticate the user.

For this challenge, you should add the route /login to accept a POST request. To authenticate on this route, you need to add a middleware to do so before then sending a response. This is done by just passing another argument with the middleware before with your response. The middleware to use is passport.authenticate('local').

passport.authenticate can also take some options as an argument such as { failureRedirect: '/' } which is incredibly useful, so be sure to add that in as well. Add a response after using the middleware (which will only be called if the authentication middleware passes) that redirects the user to /profile. Add that route, as well, and make it render the view profile.pug.

If the authentication was successful, the user object will be saved in req.user.

At this point, if you enter a username and password in the form, it should redirect to the home page /, and the console of your server should display 'User {USERNAME} attempted to log in.', since we currently cannot login a user who isn't registered.

Submit your page when you think you've got it right. If you're running into errors, you can check out the project completed up to this point.


All steps should be correctly implemented in server.js.

async (getUserInput) => {
const url = new URL("/_api/server.js", getUserInput("url"));
const res = await fetch(url);
const data = await res.text();
/showLogin:( |)true/,
'You should be passing the variable "showLogin" as true to your render function for the homepage'
/failureRedirect:( |)('|")\/('|")/,
'Your code should include a failureRedirect to the "/" route'
'You should have a route for login which accepts a POST and passport.authenticates local'

A POST request to /login should correctly redirect to /.

async (getUserInput) => {
const url = new URL("/login", getUserInput("url"));
const res = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST' });
const data = await res.text();
/Looks like this page is being rendered from Pug into HTML!/,
'A login attempt at this point should redirect to the homepage since we do not have any registered users'