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As a reminder, this project is being built upon the following starter project on Gitpod, or cloned from GitHub.

On the page there's an input form. It sends data to the PUT /travellers endpoint as an AJAX request.

When the request successfully completes, the client code appends a <div> containing the information in the response to the DOM.

Here's an example of how to use Zombie.js to interact with the form:

test('Submit the surname "Polo" in the HTML form', function (done) {
browser.fill('surname', 'Polo').then(() => {
browser.pressButton('submit', () => {
browser.assert.text('span#name', 'Marco');
browser.assert.text('span#surname', 'Polo');
browser.assert.elements('span#dates', 1);

First, the fill method of the browser object fills the surname field of the form with the value 'Polo'. fill returns a promise, so then is chained off of it.

Within the then callback, the pressButton method of the browser object is used to invoke the form's submit event listener. The pressButton method is asynchronous.

Then, once a response is received from the AJAX request, a few assertions are made confirming:

  1. The status of the response is 200
  2. The text within the <span id='name'></span> element matches 'Marco'
  3. The text within the <span id='surname'></span> element matches 'Polo'
  4. There is 1 <span id='dates'></span> element.

Finally, the done callback is invoked, which is needed due to the asynchronous test.


Within tests/2_functional-tests.js, in the 'Submit the surname "Colombo" in the HTML form' test (// #5), automate the following:

  1. Fill in the form with the surname Colombo
  2. Press the submit button

And within the pressButton callback:

  1. Assert that status is OK 200
  2. Assert that the text inside the element span#name is 'Cristoforo'
  3. Assert that the text inside the element span#surname is 'Colombo'
  4. Assert that the element(s) span#dates exist and their count is 1

Do not forget to remove the call.


All tests should pass.

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests?type=functional&n=5').then(
(data) => {
assert.equal(data.state, 'passed');
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);

You should assert that the headless browser request succeeded.

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests?type=functional&n=5').then(
(data) => {
assert.equal(data.assertions[0].method, 'browser.success');
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);

You should assert that the text inside the element span#name is 'Cristoforo'.

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests?type=functional&n=5').then(
(data) => {
assert.equal(data.assertions[1].method, 'browser.text');
assert.match(data.assertions[1].args[0], /('|")span#name\1/);
assert.match(data.assertions[1].args[1], /('|")Cristoforo\1/);
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);

You should assert that the text inside the element span#surname is 'Colombo'.

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests?type=functional&n=5').then(
(data) => {
assert.equal(data.assertions[2].method, 'browser.text');
assert.match(data.assertions[2].args[0], /('|")span#surname\1/);
assert.match(data.assertions[2].args[1], /('|")Colombo\1/);
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);

You should assert that the element span#dates exist and its count is 1.

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests?type=functional&n=5').then(
(data) => {
assert.equal(data.assertions[3].method, 'browser.elements');
assert.match(data.assertions[3].args[0], /('|")span#dates\1/);
assert.equal(data.assertions[3].args[1], 1);
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);