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Working on these challenges will involve you writing your code using one of the following methods:

  • Clone this GitHub repo and complete these challenges locally.
  • Use our Gitpod starter project to complete these challenges.
  • Use a site builder of your choice to complete the project. Be sure to incorporate all the files from our GitHub repo.

In this challenge, you will set up a MongoDB Atlas database and import the required packages to connect to it.

Follow this tutorial to set up a hosted database on MongoDB Atlas.


mongoose@^5.11.15 has been added to your project’s package.json file. First, require mongoose as mongoose in myApp.js. Next, create a .env file and add a MONGO_URI variable to it. Its value should be your MongoDB Atlas database URI. Be sure to surround the URI with single or double quotes, and remember that you can't use spaces around the = in environment variables. For example, MONGO_URI='VALUE'.

When you are done, connect to the database by calling the connect method within your myApp.js file by using the following syntax:

mongoose.connect(<Your URI>, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });


"mongoose version ^5.11.15" dependency should be in package.json

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/file/package.json').then(
(data) => {
var packJson = JSON.parse(data);, 'mongoose');
'Wrong version of "mongoose". It should be ^5.11.15'
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);

"mongoose" should be connected to a database

(getUserInput) =>
$.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/is-mongoose-ok').then(
(data) => {
assert.isTrue(data.isMongooseOk, 'mongoose is not connected');
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);