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In its simplest usage, Model.find() accepts a query document (a JSON object) as the first argument, then a callback. It returns an array of matches. It supports an extremely wide range of search options. Read more in the docs.


Modify the findPeopleByName function to find all the people having a given name, using Model.find() -> [Person]

Use the function argument personName as the search key.


Find all items corresponding to a criteria should succeed

(getUserInput) =>
$.post(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/find-all-by-name', {
name: 'r@nd0mN4m3',
age: 24,
favoriteFoods: ['pizza']
(data) => {
assert.isArray(data, 'the response should be an Array');
' is not what expected'
assert.equal(data[0].__v, 0, 'The item should be not previously edited');
(xhr) => {
throw new Error(xhr.responseText);