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Destructuring allows you to assign a new variable name when extracting values. You can do this by putting the new name after a colon when assigning the value.

Using the same object from the last example:

const user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 34 };

Here's how you can give new variable names in the assignment:

const { name: userName, age: userAge } = user;

You may read it as "get the value of and assign it to a new variable named userName" and so on. The value of userName would be the string John Doe, and the value of userAge would be the number 34.


Replace the two assignments with an equivalent destructuring assignment. It should still assign the variables highToday and highTomorrow the values of today and tomorrow from the HIGH_TEMPERATURES object.


You should remove the ES5 assignment syntax.

!__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/highToday = HIGH_TEMPERATURES\.today/g) &&
!__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/highTomorrow = HIGH_TEMPERATURES\.tomorrow/g)

You should use destructuring to create the highToday variable.


You should use destructuring to create the highTomorrow variable.


highToday should be equal to 77 and highTomorrow should be equal to 80.

assert(highToday === 77 && highTomorrow === 80);



yesterday: 75,
today: 77,
tomorrow: 80

// Only change code below this line

const highToday =;
const highTomorrow = HIGH_TEMPERATURES.tomorrow;

// Only change code above this line


yesterday: 75,
today: 77,
tomorrow: 80

const { today: highToday, tomorrow: highTomorrow } = HIGH_TEMPERATURES;