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Quotes are not the only characters that can be escaped inside a string. Escape sequences allow you to use characters you may not otherwise be able to use in a string.

'single quote
"double quote
\rcarriage return
\fform feed

Note that the backslash itself must be escaped in order to display as a backslash.


Assign the following three lines of text into the single variable myStr using escape sequences.

FirstLine     \SecondLine ThirdLine

You will need to use escape sequences to insert special characters correctly. You will also need to follow the spacing as it looks above, with no spaces between escape sequences or words.

Note: The indentation for SecondLine is achieved with the tab escape character, not spaces.


myStr should not contain any spaces

assert(!/ /.test(myStr));

myStr should contain the strings FirstLine, SecondLine and ThirdLine (remember case sensitivity)

/FirstLine/.test(myStr) && /SecondLine/.test(myStr) && /ThirdLine/.test(myStr)

FirstLine should be followed by the newline character \n


myStr should contain a tab character \t which follows a newline character


SecondLine should be preceded by the backslash character \


There should be a newline character between SecondLine and ThirdLine


myStr should only contain characters shown in the instructions

assert(myStr === 'FirstLine\n\t\\SecondLine\nThirdLine');



const myStr = ""; // Change this line


const myStr = "FirstLine\n\t\\SecondLine\nThirdLine";