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If you have many options to choose from, a switch statement can be easier to write than many chained if/else if statements. The following:

if (val === 1) {
answer = "a";
} else if (val === 2) {
answer = "b";
} else {
answer = "c";

can be replaced with:

switch (val) {
case 1:
answer = "a";
case 2:
answer = "b";
answer = "c";


Change the chained if/else if statements into a switch statement.


You should not use any else statements anywhere in the editor


You should not use any if statements anywhere in the editor


You should have at least four break statements

assert(__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/break/g).length >= 4);

chainToSwitch("bob") should return the string Marley

assert(chainToSwitch('bob') === 'Marley');

chainToSwitch(42) should return the string The Answer

assert(chainToSwitch(42) === 'The Answer');

chainToSwitch(1) should return the string There is no #1

assert(chainToSwitch(1) === 'There is no #1');

chainToSwitch(99) should return the string Missed me by this much!

assert(chainToSwitch(99) === 'Missed me by this much!');

chainToSwitch(7) should return the string Ate Nine

assert(chainToSwitch(7) === 'Ate Nine');

chainToSwitch("John") should return "" (empty string)

assert(chainToSwitch('John') === '');

chainToSwitch(156) should return "" (empty string)

assert(chainToSwitch(156) === '');



function chainToSwitch(val) {
let answer = "";
// Only change code below this line

if (val === "bob") {
answer = "Marley";
} else if (val === 42) {
answer = "The Answer";
} else if (val === 1) {
answer = "There is no #1";
} else if (val === 99) {
answer = "Missed me by this much!";
} else if (val === 7) {
answer = "Ate Nine";

// Only change code above this line
return answer;



function chainToSwitch(val) {
let answer = "";

switch (val) {
case "bob":
answer = "Marley";
case 42:
answer = "The Answer";
case 1:
answer = "There is no #1";
case 99:
answer = "Missed me by this much!";
case 7:
answer = "Ate Nine";
return answer;