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Just as we can build a string over multiple lines out of string literals, we can also append variables to a string using the plus equals (+=) operator.


const anAdjective = "awesome!";
let ourStr = "freeCodeCamp is ";
ourStr += anAdjective;

ourStr would have the value freeCodeCamp is awesome!.


Set someAdjective to a string of at least 3 characters and append it to myStr using the += operator.


someAdjective should be set to a string at least 3 characters long.

assert(typeof someAdjective !== 'undefined' && someAdjective.length > 2);

You should append someAdjective to myStr using the += operator.

assert(__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/myStr\s*\+=\s*someAdjective\s*/).length > 0);



var output = [];
if(typeof someAdjective === 'string') {
output.push('someAdjective = "' + someAdjective + '"');
} else {
output.push('someAdjective is not a string');
if(typeof myStr === 'string') {
output.push('myStr = "' + myStr + '"');
} else {
output.push('myStr is not a string');
return output.join('\n');


// Change code below this line
const someAdjective = "";
let myStr = "Learning to code is ";


const someAdjective = "neat";
let myStr = "Learning to code is ";
myStr += someAdjective;