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The greater than operator (>) compares the values of two numbers. If the number to the left is greater than the number to the right, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

Like the equality operator, the greater than operator will convert data types of values while comparing.


5   >  3  // true
7 > '3' // true
2 > 3 // false
'1' > 9 // false


Add the greater than operator to the indicated lines so that the return statements make sense.


testGreaterThan(0) should return the string 10 or Under

assert(testGreaterThan(0) === '10 or Under');

testGreaterThan(10) should return the string 10 or Under

assert(testGreaterThan(10) === '10 or Under');

testGreaterThan(11) should return the string Over 10

assert(testGreaterThan(11) === 'Over 10');

testGreaterThan(99) should return the string Over 10

assert(testGreaterThan(99) === 'Over 10');

testGreaterThan(100) should return the string Over 10

assert(testGreaterThan(100) === 'Over 10');

testGreaterThan(101) should return the string Over 100

assert(testGreaterThan(101) === 'Over 100');

testGreaterThan(150) should return the string Over 100

assert(testGreaterThan(150) === 'Over 100');

You should use the > operator at least twice

assert(__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/val\s*>\s*('|")*\d+('|")*/g).length > 1);



function testGreaterThan(val) {
if (val) { // Change this line
return "Over 100";

if (val) { // Change this line
return "Over 10";

return "10 or Under";



function testGreaterThan(val) {
if (val > 100) { // Change this line
return "Over 100";
if (val > 10) { // Change this line
return "Over 10";
return "10 or Under";