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Unlike strings, the entries of arrays are mutable and can be changed freely, even if the array was declared with const.


const ourArray = [50, 40, 30];
ourArray[0] = 15;

ourArray now has the value [15, 40, 30].

Note: There shouldn't be any spaces between the array name and the square brackets, like array [0]. Although JavaScript is able to process this correctly, this may confuse other programmers reading your code.


Modify the data stored at index 0 of myArray to a value of 45.


myArray should now be [45, 64, 99].

(function () {
if (
typeof myArray != 'undefined' &&
myArray[0] == 45 &&
myArray[1] == 64 &&
myArray[2] == 99
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

You should be using correct index to modify the value in myArray.

(function () {
if (__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/myArray\[0\]\s*=\s*/g)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;



if(typeof myArray !== "undefined"){(function(){return myArray;})();}


// Setup
const myArray = [18, 64, 99];

// Only change code below this line


const myArray = [18, 64, 99];
myArray[0] = 45;