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The sub-properties of objects can be accessed by chaining together the dot or bracket notation.

Here is a nested object:

const ourStorage = {
"desk": {
"drawer": "stapler"
"cabinet": {
"top drawer": {
"folder1": "a file",
"folder2": "secrets"
"bottom drawer": "soda"

ourStorage.cabinet["top drawer"].folder2;

ourStorage.cabinet["top drawer"].folder2 would be the string secrets, and ourStorage.desk.drawer would be the string stapler.


Access the myStorage object and assign the contents of the glove box property to the gloveBoxContents variable. Use dot notation for all properties where possible, otherwise use bracket notation.


gloveBoxContents should equal the string maps.

assert(gloveBoxContents === 'maps');

Your code should use dot notation, where possible, to access myStorage.

assert.match(code, /myStorage\.car\.inside/);

gloveBoxContents should still be declared with const.

assert.match(code, /const\s+gloveBoxContents\s*=/);

You should not change the myStorage object.

const expectedMyStorage = {
"glove box":"maps",
"passenger seat":"crumbs"
assert.deepStrictEqual(myStorage, expectedMyStorage);



(function(x) { 
if(typeof x != 'undefined') {
return "gloveBoxContents = " + x;
return "gloveBoxContents is undefined";


const myStorage = {
"car": {
"inside": {
"glove box": "maps",
"passenger seat": "crumbs"
"outside": {
"trunk": "jack"

const gloveBoxContents = undefined;


const myStorage = {
"glove box":"maps",
"passenger seat":"crumbs"
const gloveBoxContents =["glove box"];