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You can use the same principle we just used to retrieve the last character in a string to retrieve the Nth-to-last character.

For example, you can get the value of the third-to-last letter of the const firstName = "Augusta" string by using firstName[firstName.length - 3]


const firstName = "Augusta";
const thirdToLastLetter = firstName[firstName.length - 3];

thirdToLastLetter would have a value of the string s.


Use bracket notation to find the second-to-last character in the lastName string.

Hint: Try looking at the example above if you get stuck.


secondToLastLetterOfLastName should be the letter c.

assert(secondToLastLetterOfLastName === 'c');

You should use .length to get the second last letter.

assert(__helpers.removeJSComments(code).match(/\.length/g).length > 0);



(function(v){return v;})(secondToLastLetterOfLastName);


// Setup
const lastName = "Lovelace";

// Only change code below this line
const secondToLastLetterOfLastName = lastName; // Change this line


const lastName = "Lovelace";
const secondToLastLetterOfLastName = lastName[lastName.length - 2];