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We can pass values into a function with arguments. You can use a return statement to send a value back out of a function.


function plusThree(num) {
return num + 3;

const answer = plusThree(5);

answer has the value 8.

plusThree takes an argument for num and returns a value equal to num + 3.


Create a function timesFive that accepts one argument, multiplies it by 5, and returns the new value.


timesFive should be a function

assert(typeof timesFive === 'function');

timesFive(5) should return 25

assert(timesFive(5) === 25);

timesFive(2) should return 10

assert(timesFive(2) === 10);

timesFive(0) should return 0

assert(timesFive(0) === 0);




function timesFive(num) {
return num * 5;