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Another data type is the Boolean. Booleans may only be one of two values: true or false. They are basically little on-off switches, where true is on and false is off. These two states are mutually exclusive.

Note: Boolean values are never written with quotes. The strings "true" and "false" are not Boolean and have no special meaning in JavaScript.


Modify the welcomeToBooleans function so that it returns true instead of false.


The welcomeToBooleans() function should return a Boolean (true or false) value.

assert(typeof welcomeToBooleans() === 'boolean');

welcomeToBooleans() should return true.

assert(welcomeToBooleans() === true);





function welcomeToBooleans() {
// Only change code below this line

return false; // Change this line

// Only change code above this line


function welcomeToBooleans() {
return true; // Change this line